Over recent days we h***e witnessed some of the most intricate diplomacy. The announcement that Iran had met its initial obligations under the nuclear agreement signed last July, is a triumph. It’s all a far cry from the usual blows traded between Iran and the US. Neither side mentioned the ‘axis of evil’ or the big Satan over recent days.
《西南联大英语课》是陈福田等编著的书籍,书中收录了 43 篇英文选文,这些选文的内容涵盖了文学、历史、哲学、社会等多个领域,体现了西南联大“通识为本”“培养博雅之士”的教育理念。
1. 感受到西南联大英语教育的独特魅力:这本书让我深入了解了西南联大的英语教育,其注重培养学生的综合素质,不仅要求学生掌握英语语言知识,还要求学生了解英语国家的文化、历史、社会等方面的知识。
2. 体会到英语学习的重要性:书中的文章选材广泛,涵盖了文学、历史、哲学、社会等多个领域,这些文章不仅有助于提高英语水平,还能让我们了解不同的文化和思想,拓宽视野。
3. 了解到通识教育的内涵:通识教育是西南联大的教育理念之一,这种教育理念注重培养学生的综合素质,让学生在广泛涉猎各种知识的过程中,形成自己的思考方式和价值观。
Peter Pan is a boy who can fly. The children who live with Peter Pan regard Wendy as their mother. Wendy is the girl who helps Peter Pan sew up his shadow.
But Peter Pan's enemy, Captain Hook, was so hateful that he was finally eaten by a crocodile.
Peter Pan is a boy who can fly. The children who live with Peter Pan regard Wendy as their mother. Wendy is the girl who helps Peter Pan sew up his shadow.
But Peter Pan's enemy, Captain Hook, was so hateful that he was finally eaten by a crocodile.